
The background does not appear on mobile. The button that calls the sidebar went down in Mobile. In the pc version, the background appears b...

Request 3 - Post no character limits

Remove the " Read More ", leaving the post open. The way it is, the image that appears, is getting no link, while in single page, ...

Request 2 - Add image in the sidebar

I did a test with 14 people and only one managed to shrink the bar. I thought of something as simple as a picture at the top and bottom of t...

Request 1 - S i z e- of- t i t l e -x x x

View on a Galasxy S5 upright Separated the letters of the title, just to see the total size of the bar. Wanted the title fill the whole bar,...



Highlanders Invadem Recife

Uma ideia bem humorada chama atenção em qualquer lugar e a William Lawson’s soube idealizar. Imagine se chegassem pessoas montadas a cavalo ...

asdajo aoisdjiosadj

A Lenda do Santuário - Trailer Dublado


asd sd sad sad dsa asd sad sda sad



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asdsa asd sda dsa sa d d sad